Palliative Care – A Growing Specialty & A Rising Trend

Palliative Care – A Growing Specialty & A Rising Trend

Palliative care is a growing specialty in healthcare, and it’s also one that is on the rise. The news of previous years has shown us that there are many people who need the best Palliative Care in Melbourne and that more people are becoming aware about what it entails and how beneficial it can be. 

This article will explore the history of palliative care, how it differs from hospice care, what kinds of illnesses or conditions are most affected by this type of treatment (along with examples), where you can find palliative care providers in your community, who is eligible for such services (including family members), etc.

Palliative care is growing

Palliative care is a focus on providing patients and their loved ones with the best quality of life for as long as possible. It is meant to accommodate patients with varying levels of comfort, from those who are approaching death to those who are able to function in their daily lives but still need extra support.

Palliative care may be needed by people with cancer, heart disease, chronic lung disease, neurological disorders, and other terminal conditions or illnesses. Even if you do not have a serious medical condition right now, you may someday face an illness that requires palliative care or hospice services.

Palliative Care - A Growing Specialty & A Rising Trend

Palliative care benefits patients

Palliative care is a holistic approach to caring for patients with serious illnesses. Rather than focusing on curing the disease, which is often impossible, palliative care focuses on improving the quality of life for both patients and their families.

Respite Care Melbourne can be used at any stage of a progressive or terminal illness. While it’s usually introduced when there is little that can be done medically to save your loved one’s life, palliative care can also be used earlier in treatment if you or your family members are concerned about the quality of life issues such as pain management, symptom management, and psychological support.

The goals of palliative care include:

  • Managing symptoms so they don’t interfere with daily activities and relationships
  • Providing psychological support so patients feel cared for by their loved ones rather than abandoned by them when they need help most
  • Improving communication between all parties involved in the patient’s condition

Palliative care and hospice care are different

Palliative care and hospice care are both types of end-of-life care that treat patients with serious illnesses. While Palliative Care Melbourne focuses on treating the symptoms of a disease, hospice care is specifically geared toward those who have decided to stop pursuing curative treatments. 

The goal of hospice is to improve the patient’s quality of life until death occurs, whereas palliative care focuses on improving the person’s quality of life while they are still living.

Hospice care is usually provided in a person’s home, while palliative care can be provided at home or in a facility. While both types of end-of-life care are generally covered by insurance, there are some situations where patients may need to pay out of pocket for services.


For patients and their loved ones, palliative care is a way to alleviate pain and stress during an illness. For caregivers, it’s a chance to spend more time with their family members on their own terms. But for doctors, nurses, and others who work in this field every day? It’s something even bigger—a chance to help people live better lives.
