3 Valuable Google Analytics 4 Reports for SEOs

3 Valuable Google Analytics 4 Reports for SEOs

As a seo expert Auckland, you know that Google Analytics is one of the most valuable tools at your disposal. The insights you can glean from GA4 can help you fine-tune your approach and ensure that you’re getting the most out of your efforts. 

But with so many reports to choose from, it can be tough to know where to start. Never fear—we’ve got you covered. Here are three GA4 reports that every SEO should make use of.

Google Search Console Reports

One of the most useful features of GA4 for seo expert Auckland is its integration with Google Search Console. This tight integration allows you to see how your website is performing in search results and make necessary changes to improve your ranking. 

To access these reports, simply click on ‘Acquisition’ in the left-hand sidebar and then select ‘Search Console.’ 

From there, you’ll be able to see things like what keywords people are using to find your site, what position your site is appearing in for those keywords, and how many clicks each keyword is generating. Armed with this information, you’ll be able to make informed decisions about how to adjust your SEO strategy.

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Traffic Acquisition Report

The traffic acquisition report shows you where your website traffic is coming from, which is valuable information in and of itself. But it also allows you to see which channels are giving you the most ROI for your SEO efforts. To access this report, click on ‘All Traffic’ in the left-hand sidebar and then select ‘Traffic Acquisition.’ 

This will give you a breakdown of the different channels that are sending traffic to your site (e.g., organic search, social media, direct), as well as how much traffic each channel is responsible for. 

With this information at hand, you can make sure that you’re putting your time and energy into the channels that are giving you the biggest return on investment.

SEO Landing Page Report

Finally, the SEO landing page report helps you understand which of your pages are bringing in the most organic traffic—and why. To access this report, click on ‘Behavior’ in the left-hand sidebar and then select ‘Site Content.’ 

From there, select ‘Landing Pages.’ This report will show you which pages are being accessed most frequently by organic searchers, as well as things like bounce rate and average time on page. 

By understanding which pages are resonating most with searchers, you’ll be able to replicate that success on other pages on your site.


Google Analytics 4 offers a wealth of valuable insights for seo expert Auckland —but with so many reports to choose from, it can be tough to know where to start. Luckily, we’ve got you covered. 

Here are three GA4 reports that every SEO should make use of: Google Search Console reports, traffic acquisition reports, and SEO landing page reports. 

By taking advantage of all that GA4 has to offer, you’ll be able to fine-tune your approach and make sure that your SEO efforts are as effective as possible.