SEO Expert’s Thoughts on How to Pick the Best Keywords

SEO Expert’s Thoughts on How to Pick the Best Keywords

Keywords are a vital part of the SEO Sydney strategy. Without them, you won’t be able to improve your website’s search ranking and make sure it has a chance at showing up in front of your potential customers. 

A good keyword strategy requires a solid understanding of how keywords work, but there are many different ways to choose what you think will be the best ones for your site. 

In this post, we’ll discuss some popular methods for selecting keywords, as well as what mistakes can lead you astray when choosing them so that you can start creating an effective SEO strategy today!

An Overview of Keywords

Keywords are the words and phrases people type into search engines to find information. They’re usually found in the title, URL, and meta description of your website. 

Keywords help search engines understand what your content is about so that they can return it in response to user queries.

Keyword research is an essential part of any SEO Sydney campaign because it tells you which keywords to optimize for on your site. It’s also important if you want to use Google AdWords (or other paid advertising products) because those platforms require specific keyword lists before you can advertise with them.

Popular Keyword Selection Methods

There are many ways you can select the right keywords for your website. The most popular keyword selection methods include:

  • Keyword research tools. A keyword research tool is a program that helps you find relevant keywords for your site. These tools have different functions, but they all help you find the best terms to use in your content marketing strategy and SEO campaign.
  • Keyword suggestion tools. A keyword suggestion tool will suggest new phrases in which you can optimize your content based on the information provided by SEO experts or other professionals who specialise in this area. For example, if someone searches for a “keyword”, then it might show some suggestions like “SEO keyword” or “keywords used by Google robots”, etcetera – there are hundreds of possibilities!
  • Keyword difficulty tools let users know how hard it would be to rank well on certain search results pages (SERPs). This helps them determine which phrases will lead them closer to their goals while allowing them enough flexibility so that they’re not limited unnecessarily by any one tool provider’s methodology.

Types of Keywords

There are nine different categories of keywords: intent targeting, geo-targeting, short-term, long-term, short-tail, and long-tail. When employed in various contexts, each of these keywords has a unique advantage that can increase the effectiveness of your SEO efforts.

How to Choose the Best Keywords-Do’s and Don’ts

Here are some simple tips to keep in mind when choosing the right keywords:

-Use Google’s Keyword Planner to see how many people search for the specific keywords you want to target.

-Make sure your keyword has some relevance to your business or brand.

-Include words like “free,” “best,” and “reviews” in your keyword list if possible because they often lead to higher conversions than other types of words. 

-Avoid using keywords that are too broad or too specific.

-Don’t use more than one word for each of your keywords—keep them short and sweet.

Mistakes to avoid when choosing keywords

If you’re new to SEO, it can be tempting to cram as many keywords into your post as possible. However, SEO Sydney Experts suggest that while this may boost your rankings initially, the search engines will eventually penalize you for keyword stuffing.

-Try not to use more than two or three keywords in each post. -Don’t choose a keyword just because it’s popular—make sure it has relevance to your business or brand first. 

Other common mistakes include: 

-Using your brand name as a keyword. This is one of the first things search engines will penalise you for, so avoid it if you value your rankings. 

-Using too many different types of keywords in one post (for example, both broad and specific keywords). 

-Choosing specific keywords that have nothing to do with each other (such as “free online accounting software reviews”).


Keyword research is one of the most important parts of preparing a website for SEO. It’s not enough to just pick a few relevant keywords and hope they work out—you need to plan your strategy carefully in order to get the best results. 

The right keyword research can help you find those elusive phrases that will drive traffic to your site. And if you use our tips above, you’ll be well on your way!